Monday, January 24, 2011

First proper lunch-time!

Today baby bean had his first ever 'meal'. He'd been eat a quarter of a fruit a day all this week working up to his first proper meal time. We bought the Chicco food processor last week. It was a really good buy. He's been eating blended apples and pears, having his taste of what it's like eating like a 'grown up'.

We bought all the vegetables and food on the list that our pediatrician gave us last week. We also bought some weighing scales and a new chopping board and a grater. A went to work at one and left me preparing his first 'broth' all by myself. A few chopped up carrots, a chopped up potato and a lettuce leaf! I had to leave it on a low flame for forty minutes then add a couple of teaspoons of baby rice granules. Bean was super excited, it was as if he knew what I was cooking was for him. He kept eyeing up the ingredients while I was holding him and opening his mouth!
I don't know why but at a certain point I just couldn't hold back the tears any longer. What the hell? I couldn't stop sobbing. I suppose it was because I was such an important part of bean's life until now in as much as I had kept him alive all by myself for the 14 months that he has existed (9 months + 5 outside the womb!) I'd tried so hard to eat the right things while pregnant and eat enough and also I have exclusively breastfed up until this day. I now feel as though I'm not as important, I'm not his only lifeline. He's getting more independent. All of this just made me well up and explode! Being such an important part of his life had made me stronger as a person. I did everything with him and his wellbeing in mind. I never drank even a sip of alcohol, I ate my greens, I lived for him.
Today he ate his broth. He loved it. His face was covered with it as he still doesn't know how to eat off a spoon properly yet but it made it more enjoyable! He was trying to suck and lick and kept spitting out a lot of the liquid, he was even sniffing some up his nose. I can honestly say though that he looked satisfied after his first solids. He had a bit of grated pear for dessert but he was so tired after trying to eat he just went all fussy and wanted some Mummy milk and to sleep. I don't ever want to forget those little expressions on his face whilst eating his first broth! They were priceless. I wish he'd stop growing up so fast.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby boy's first Christmas

Well it's been very hectic lately that I haven't had chance to write for a while. I'm so sorry as I'd love to write a lot more often than I do, there are always so many things that Flavio does that I'd love to write about but there's never enough time!

It was Flavio's first Christmas and we spent it with his Grandparents this year. Christmas in a snowy atmospheric England was definitely worth every minute. Grandma had bought a Santa's little helper 'Chief Elf' suit that baby looked gorgeous in and also a 'My first Christmas' red suit with matching hats.

You beamed out happiness and I'm just so glad that you are a well loved baby, Flavio, Mummy is forever looking out for you and putting you before anyone and anything in her life because she knows how important it is for a child to receive the right amount of affection and attention and this Christmas was dedicated to you! The star of the event! You received many carefully thought gifts including books that Mummy has already started to read to you and you take delight in listening to and a Whinnie the Pooh crawler that encourages you to follow him as he crawls around! Mummy doesn't want you to ever be spoilt but wants to make sure you have the right input to stimulate your creative and intellectual growth. I can see what a bright baby you are and your little personality is already starting to develop. You're feisty and passionate but so cuddly and well behaved most of the time! I love your little giggle that you do for Mummy more than anyone else when she tickles your neck or makes a silly noise. Daddy gets a giggle or two too sometimes. I'm so proud of how well you are developing and growing and I know it is all happening too fast. You're my little baby and always will be!!! You liked the tree lights this Christmas and you tried to reach for the branches when I held you near the tree. You enjoyed watching the Popcorn song on Granddad's computer sat on his knee and squealed and smiled with glee. You always like being in England as if you sense the tranquillity in the air. Sometimes it's hard work for Mummy on her own in Rome because she dedicates so much of her time on you that cooking and cleaning become quite difficult but she gets round it, you just sense that she's more serene in England. Well what can I say, just that at 4 months of age your favourite hobby is standing up! You even stand on your own when supported by something, it's amazing! You're a big strong boy and just so lovely. Mummy and Daddy are completely smitten!

lots of love,