Monday, June 20, 2011

Us two

10 months today!

My little prince is 10 months today. I cannot believe how time has whizzed by no other ten months of my life have ever gone so quickly. My life is just a whole routine of feeding, changing, entertaining and waking up through the night! There again, no other ten months have been so exhilarating, emotional or overwhelming.
In a way I feel sad as he moves on up there towards his first birthday. I don't want him to get older, he's my little baby and growing up means growing away from Mummy, getting independant. I do, however, believe in teaching him independence and respecting his wills and desires in life. I think there's nothing worse than forcing your child into being someone YOU want him to be, obliging him to be like you.
He's developing so fast, he does so many new things now. One thing that I think is particulary cute is that he's starting to show emotions for things he likes and if you take something away from him or take him away from somewhere he likes he'll start to cry. I know it seems so banal but we thought it was so cute how the other day we put him on a little ride in the shopping centre (a loony tunes shopping van) that moved up and down and played music and when it had finished and we took him out of the van his beaming little face turned serious and he got so upset that it was time to go. I was tempted to pay for another ride on it but A said not to otherwise it may lead to spoiling him!
He pulls himself up easily in his playpen now and holds on with one hand while he bobs up and down and picks up toys. He's also got easier because he's starting to invent his own little games whilst he's in the playpen so that leaves me a bit more time to get jobs done. He'll pick up two little teddy bears and bash them together whilst babbling baby talk at them and the funniest thing he does is when he's in his little car in the garden. He's worked out where the pegs are; in a little sac that hangs from washing prop. He puts a hand in a fishes around for pegs and he always pulls two pegs out and puts one in each hand and scurrys around in his car with his hands in the air!
He's so cute I just can't take my hands off him. I'm constantly kissing and cuddling him and shouting out 'Ti amooo' ( I love you) and tickling him, he has THE cutest laugh ever. Today I took him to the supermarket (he goes on all my errands with me, such good company!) and I just went into a bit of a silly mood and I pulled some faces at him and he was laughing his little head off! When I added some silly noises that got him even giddier! He's so good too, he'll behave so well if ever I decide to look around a few shops and everyone always comments on how gorgeous he is! I know he's my son and I don't want to blow my own trumpet but I have to record the fact that he gets so many compliments. Mainly because if anyone speaks to him, he'll have a beaming smile on his face straight away. He loves people and company and he also loves watching other little children.
What can I say? He's perfect and I couldn't ever begin to describe how much I love him.