Sunday, June 6, 2010

29 weeks!

Well I've made it to 29 weeks and can finally write in present tense! 29 weeks today! We are so excited. A is assembling the cot as I'm typing. Unfortunately I've got bronchitis, a terrible cough and have been prescribed antibiotics. It's been really violent for the last couple of days but today seems to be a bit better. Fingers crossed!
We've decided to call the baby Flavio. Flavio Emanuele. He is half Italian after all and living in Italy we thought it'd be better for him to have an Italian name.
I've enjoyed life being back to normal, being able to go out and show off my bump, now it really is exciting. Even my contractions seem to have completely disappeared. I still have to take medication morning and night though for contractions as the doctor explained that my womb had never had a chance to relax as during the detachment period it was constantly contracting due to the blood inside and now could still have a tendency to contract so to be on the safe side these pills keep them away.
Well, I'm off to have dinner, Flavio is kicking away and the cot has been assembled. I will put some pics up soon hopefully!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was in the Emergency Room Friday night for bleeding. I was told it was either a Threatened Miscarriage or a Subchronic Bleed. Although the bleeding has lessened(today I have had no bleeding for most of the day), I am still understandably nervous.

    Reading your story gives me so much hope! Best of luck to you, A, and little Flavio!


  2. Susan, I understand what you must be going through please stay calm for your little one, I'm sure things will be fine. Just do what the doctors say.

    Good luck, congrats and a prayer for you and baby!
