Monday, August 2, 2010

37 weeks. FULL TERM!!!

I cannot believe I've got this far along! I've had contractions all the way through this pregnancy due to the detachment and this always made me think baby wants to leave me as early as possible! Well it's obviously not the case. I'm now 37 + 1 and Flavio seems like he doesn't want to budge, he seems to be comfortable in here! My gynecologist says he is bigger than average and if he doesn't make his appearance soon I'll risk having an emergency cesarean after hours of pushing with no luck. Unfortunately they don't induce here unless the baby is in distress so I'll have to get to at least 40 weeks before they take action. It was the last appointment we'll have with her, now I've just got fetal monitoring appointments and we're basically waiting for the contractions to come on.
My belly is enormous and heavy and I'm swelling up all over especially in my hands, my fingers are sore and I can't even move them in the morning! First I have to get the feeling back into them and then slowly move them softly until I can bend them and straighten them out.
What gets me is that I'm still hungry all the time which makes me wonder if this means he's still growing. He now weighs 3.6 kilos that's 8 lbs I think and that's probably all I could push out due to the size of me! I don't have childbearing hips, why is my baby so big?! I'm quite pleased in a way though, at least that means he's healthy!
Flavio, I've tried to get everything ready for you, Mummy's anxiously waiting to meet you and hold you in her arms.

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