Friday, November 26, 2010

3 months old and growing too fast!

He's making one progress after another and with every new thing he does I get so emotional even at something really small like trying to grab for a toy instead of me giving it to him.
According to the milestones he's an 'advanced' baby but he's also quite big for his age. I do however try to stimulate him in as many ways I can: I read him books (material books and books with sounds) and he does actually listen and smile and kick when the intonation in my voice changes or when he hears the funny sounds and I try to get him to feel the different materials on the fabric book. He has a good concentration span for a 3 month old!
One of his biggest accomplishments and one that I was waiting for for a while is him touching objects (using his hands). The first time I noticed he started regarding his hands as part of his body is when he finally started to be able to put them in his mouth and suck on his fists, but that is all he would use them for. I couldn't wait to see him actually grab a toy or even hold it for a few seconds but he didn't seem interested when I held a toy to him. It was about a couple of weeks ago when we noticed he regarded his hands as the things to 'feel with' and not just to suck on.
We'd just got back from doing the shopping and I'd put Flavio down on the sofa propped up between the cushion and the arm of the sofa and I'd started to put the bags away. I realised something was different... instead of his usual grumpy squeals when I'd put him down there was silence. I walked back into the living room to check on him and I saw what was happening. He was running his fingers across the embroidered flowers on the cushion and looking intently at them. He was repeating this motion again and again and I knew he'd just discovered his little fingers! After this incident whenever we put the cushion next to him, he would do the same procedure. It was so cute watching him discover this new 'trick' and ever since then he's become more and more confident and now he can grip his toys and put them to his mouth and this morning I even caught him reaching up and holding on to a dangling penguin in his baby gym. He'd lose the toy out of his grip and then slowly and cautionately aim for the penguin again! It seems like such a small step but I think he's Einstein! It must be all those maternal hormones from breastfeeding!
He's even starting baby talk, he ooos and aaahs and even says syllables baaaa and maaaa and naaaa.. I love watching him 'talk' and those funny little expressions he has on his face when trying to get his message across!
Flavio's a little champion!

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